Chairman Wayne Humbird

��������������� GENERAL RULES

1.���� The purpose of this department is to stimulate interest in the study of shells and marine life and in our coastal environment.

2.���� Exhibits must pertain to the study of shells and other marine life, conservation or safety in collecting.

3.���� Residents of Brazoria County or membersof Brazoria County Shell Clubs are eligible for competition. Exhibits must belong to exhibitor.

4.���� Exhibitor may submit as many entries as desired, but only one to a sub-class. (If necessary, space will be limited to no more than 25 feet per person.)

5.���� Exhibitors are requested to make advance registration for space. However, if space is available, exhibits will be accepted through the last arrival date.

6.���� Entries will be made in two general groups�adults and youth (18 years of age or younger). All entries will be further sub-divided into beginner and advanced. Exhibitors will be considered a beginner the first year they enter, and also the second year if they did not win a trophy or their division.

7.���� All exhibits and awards must be left for duration of Fair. If not picked up at release time, they will be taken to the Fair Office.

8.���� Entries having previously won trophies or first place cannot come back into competition unless entry has at least a 25% visible change or has not been shown for three (3) years. (Eligible fourth year.) Shell of the Show shells can be re-entered as parts of other exhibits but cannot win shell of the show again for the same time length.

9.���� Collections in Division I through III are limited to not more than two of each species, except if a very small juvenile is shown or no more than five if the shells are miniature adult shells under ��. This rule can be waived with Chairman�s approval.

10.�� Judging will be based on attractiveness of arrangement, quality and choice of shells, accuracy of labeling, apparent amount of work on exhibit and educational value. Decisions of judges are final. In the event of ties, preference will go to self-collected shells. No awards will be given to unworthy exhibits.

11.     Chairman can add sub-classes in any Class when needed.

12.     Fair committee will not be responsible for exhibits; however, security will be provided.

13.     Any display from a non-eligible exhibitor will only be accepted NON-COMPETITIVELY, if space is available after the reservation deadline. All exhibits under this rule are eligible only for Appreciation Ribbons and must be approved for entry by chairman.

14.     All participants must comply with the Brazoria County Fair Association General Rules and Regulations as printed in the current catalog, unless otherwise specified.



Labels should list Family name, Genus and species followed by authority�s name and date. Collecting information (locality and date of find) should be included when available. Common names are usually listed. Superfamily names are not necessary, but can be used if you wish.Labels should be mounted to lay flat, and sized not to detract from the shell. Over-crowding should be avoided. Educational content is highly desirable and encouraged.

Information resources can be obtained from the Museum of Natural Sciencein Clute, Tx or the Sea Shell Searchers of Brazoria County (



DIVISION I � TEXAS MARINE COLLECTIONS -(Shells must be from Texas shores and waters.)


Class A: Marine

Class B: Fossils

Class C: Specialized collections (miniatures, juveniles, etc.)



(One designated area or region)


Class A: Regional Collections (One designated area or region)

Class B: Worldwide Collections (Covers all faunas.)

Class C: Marine Life Collections (Corals, sponges, seaweed, etc)


Each Class will have subclasses of:

1.        Marine

2.        Land/Freshwater

3.        Fossils

4.        Specialized collections (Miniatures, juveniles, etc.)



Any exhibit based on the various types of taxonomy.


Class A: Class

Class B: Order

Class C: Superfamily

Class D: Family

Class E: Genus



Any exhibit of a single species.


Class A:��������������� An exhibit of one specimen.�������������

Class B:��������������� Growth series

Class C:��������������� Color variations

Class D: Other




Class A: Educational exhibits.

Class B: Conservation exhibits.

Class C: Safety exhibits.

Class D: Marine Life exhibits



Now that you have found it and don�t know what to do with it, display it.


Class A: Driftwood

Class B: Flotsam and Jetsam (natural)

Class C: Flotsam and Jetsam (manmade)




��������������� Any object made with or decorated with shells or driftwood.



RIBBONS: Blue � first place, Red � second place, White � third place, ribbons will be awarded for each entry level in every subclass. Division winners will receive a rosette ribbon.


An Educational ribbon will be awarded to any deserving exhibit as determined by the judge for its educational contents.


Tate Texas Award: This award given in honor of Mildred Tate to the exhibit making the most significant contribution to present knowledge of Texas marine mollusks.



Best Exhibit of Show ������������������������� Best Youth Exhibit of Show ������������� Best Educational Exhibit of Show



Shell of the Show ������������������������������ Favorite Beachcomber Item��������������� Chairman's Trophy