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November Meeting
November 2, 2004
Tuesday, 7:00 P.M.
Brazosport Museum of 
Natural Science
Center for the Arts and Sciences
400 College Blvd.
Clute,  Texas
Snacks at 7:00 P.M.
Meeting 7:30 P.M. 
Refreshments by:
Snacks: Petway
Drinks: Barziza
Dr. Sammy Ray
Texas A & M Galveston
“Biology and Ecology of Eastern
Oyster (Ostrea virginica)”
Published by Sea Shell Searchers of Brazoria County
November 2004        
Volume 27 No. 2
President’s Message: 
The Brazoria County Fair is over for another
year.  I just unpacked my 2 boxes of Bailer
Shells that I entered this year.  Of course it is
pretty easy to unpack when you enter a very
limited number of very large shells!  Look for
the results of the judging of the Sea & Shore
Division elsewhere in this newsletter.
Plans are coming together for the 2004 Sea
Shell Searchers Shell Show.  I would like to
encourage each of you to take a look at the
show categories and plan to enter this year’s
show.  It doesn't matter if it is one case or a
dozen cases.  We hope all of you will want to be
involved.  There are several folks who have
cases that would be willing to loan them to you
and even offer suggestions for how to exhibit—
all you have to do is let it be known that you
have an interest in exhibiting.
Be sure to make plans to attend the field trips
that have been arranged by our Field Trip
Chairman, Darwin Alder.  Some of them are to
familiar locations; others to new locations. 
Look for Darwin’s note about field trips for
more information.
Steven Coker
2004-2005 Officers:
President  Steven Coker 
Vice President  Craig  & Karen
Recording Secretary  Patty Humbird
Corresponding Secretary Wanda Coker
Treasurer  Wayne Humbird