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December Meeting
December 7, 2004
Tuesday, 7:00 P.M.
Brazosport Museum of 
Natural Science
Center for the Arts and Sciences
400 College Blvd.
Clute,  Texas
Covered Dish 7:00 P.M.
Meeting 7:30 P.M. 
Refreshments by:
Every member should bring a covered dish
to share for our holiday party.  Paper
goods, tea and ice will be provided by the
We will be playing “SHELLO” as a way to
exchange gifts.  Those wishing to
participate should bring a shell related gift
valued between $10—$15.
An Oral and Silent Auction will be held at
the December meeting.  See page 3 for
more information.
Published by Sea Shell Searchers of Brazoria County
December 2004         Volume 27 No. 3
President’s Message: 
I want to personally thank all of
you who were involved in making
this year’s shell show such a
great success. We had some
great exhibits this year.  Take a
look at the web site for some
pictures of the show.  We also
enjoyed perusing the shells for
sell by Chris Takahashi, Kay
Klaus, and Dave Green.  To top it
off we had hundreds of visitors
from the community.
Merry Christmas!  I just love
saying that.  This is without a
doubt my most favorite time of
year.  I hope to see all of you at
the December meeting where we
will once again have a covered
dish dinner and play SHELLO for
our gift exchange.  Plan now to
2004-2005 Officers:
Steven Coker 
Vice President
Craig  & Karen
Recording Secretary
Patty Humbird
Corresponding Secretary
Wanda Coker
Wayne Humbird