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took a camera from the Auction.  If you are missing a camera, see Dean
Harris or Jo Tirrell
Motion made by Dennis Harris, seconded by Cliff Harris to adjourn. Mo-
tion passed.
November Minutes
(Continued from page 2)
Future Programs
Holiday Party
Programs Being Planned — Shelling in
Chile; Underwater World of Jackie Reid;
Shells of Australia; Conus pennaceous -
Diverse and Disjunct Forms
If you know of a program that you would
like to see or give, please contact Craig
Field Trips
If you have an area of interest to go shell-
ing, please contact Darwin Alder, Field
Trip Chairman, with your suggestions.
Auction to be held at December Club Meeting
Several items were donated for the Shell Show Auction.  This years set-up did
not allow space or time for an auction.  Those items will be brought to the De-
cember Meeting.  A small oral auction will be held and one silent auction.  Pro-
ceeds to off-set the cost of the show.  We have a beautiful wooden bowl donated
by Dave Barziza and a shell Christmas tree crafted by Darwin Alder.  Many
more shell or shell related goodies will be available for your every need.