Tickets for “Tuck Everlasting” On Sale Now!

Brazosport Center Stages’ production of “Tuck Everlasting: The Musical” opens three weeks from today on Friday, December 3! Tickets are on sale now for all six scheduled performances, December 3-5 and 10-12. Friday and Saturday shows are at 7:30 PM and Sunday matinees begin at 2:30 PM.

The musical is based on the classic novel Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt that poses some serious questions…

What if you could live forever? Is eternal life a blessing or a curse?

These are the questions young Winnie Foster must answer when she discovers a spring on her family’s property with waters that grant immortality. Members of the Tuck family, having drunk from the spring, tell Winnie of their experiences watching life go by and never growing older.

Winnie must decide whether or not to keep the Tucks’ secret…and whether or not to join them on their never-ending journey.

The musical is being directed by Mason Rod and Craig Fritz. The cast includes:

Winnie Foster – Madison Kucera
Angus Tuck – George Adam
Mae Tuck – Brittany Flurry
Miles Tuck – Jackson Kimbrough
Jesse Tuck – Bobby Ramirez
The Man in the Yellow Suit – David Brandt
Constable Joe – Brandon Luce
Hugo – Daniel Zamora
Betsy Foster – Mary Munson
Nana Foster – Lowrie Smith

Ensemble: Johanna Geisler, Melody Torres, Laura Baugh, Madison Unger, Jacob Lamar, Godfrey Moreno, Connor Monical, Philip Tyler, Irenna Garapetian, Sam Blackmar, Ann Peterson, Paul Geisler, Marin Bowling, Kara Alvarado, Molly Paladino, Audrey James, Juanita Kucera

THIS WEEK: “Tuck Everlasting” Auditions

If you’re ready to join the cast of the first musical of Brazosport Center Stages’ 2021-2022 season, auditions for Tuck Everlasting will be held Monday and Tuesday, October 11 and 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the Dow Arena Theater.

The production team is looking to cast actors who can believably portray characters with ages ranging from 11 to 80. Auditions will consist of a song of the actor’s choice, dance and movement, and readings from selected portions of the script itself. An additional dance and movement audition will be held Wednesday, October 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the same location.

Further instructions and selected cuttings may be picked up from The Center front office. Performances are scheduled for December 3-5 and 10-12 in the Freeport LNG Theater. Questions may be directed to [email protected] or [email protected].